Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Some websites you might like

I just wanted to share some nifty websites I recently learned about that are of particular interest to teachers. 

The first site is called watchknowlearn.org.  It is a huge online library of free educational videos.  You can search for videos on everything from the Green Eggs and Ham, to multiplying fractions.  There seems to be more content for the younger grades at this point.  This is a great tool for teachers who are looking to add more visuals to their lessons, or to find videos to go along with a story or poem they are teaching. 

The next site is whatshouldireadnext.com.  This site lets you enter the name, author, or even ISBN of a book, and it will generate a list of similar books.  This is a great resource for students who get stuck in rut with a particular author or series.  You could help them branch out and find new authors to love!

The last site I want to share is www.textcompactor.com.  This site is an auto summarizer tool.  It lets you copy and paste in a block of text, choose what percentage of the text you want to keep, and then it will create a summary of the text based on that percentage.  This is a great tool for taking an expository text on grade level and "cognitively rescaling" the text to better match the reading level of your students. If you used to enjoy the Auto Summary feature available in Microsoft Word 2003, but cried when it was taken out of later versions of Word, then this site is for you!

I hope you enjoy the sites and share them with others.  Please feel free to share YOUR favorite sites in the comments section and I'll get them in future posts!

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