Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Free NaturalReader 11-Screen Reader

A screen reader is a computer tool that will recognize text on a computer and use a digital voice program to read that text aloud.  This is a very helpful tool for students who cannot decode grade level text independently, but are expected to understand it for class projects and assignments.  While there are a variety of great screen reader programs available for a price, NaturalReader has a free version that will allow a student to read grade level text 1 of 2 ways:
1) copy and paste text into the reader window of the program
2) use a floating toolbar to read highlighted text

If you have ever used a screen reader program, you know that the experience is vastly determined by the quality of the computer voice available.  While the Free NaturalReader program does not provide the best quality voices out there, they are not bad for a free program.  You can purchase better quality voices and better options for $50.

You can download the free program from the following website:

It is available for Windows and Mac.

Note to CCSD teachers:  You should be able to download the install file (it will be called "standardsetup.exe") from the website on your computer, but you will NOT be able to run that file and actually install the program without an administrator code. The best way to get it installed is probably to save the install file on your desktop, and then put in a work order for the tech guys to come install it.  Robert Woodbury can also install software on newer district machines.

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