Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Switch accessible apps (and switches) for iPad

For a long time now, students with limited motor abilities have been able to use accessibility switches to access computers, speak messages, and control their environment.  Switch users can now access the iPad as well thanks to the introduction of bluetooth switches and switch interfaces. The switches and interfaces connect to the iPad wirelessly via the bluetooth settings on the iPad.   I have included links to a few different sites where you can check some of them out.  There are other products available as well if you are willing to search for them.  The three products I have listed range in price from $100 to $150.  Each has particular strengths and weaknesses that you will  have to evaluate when choosing.

RJ Cooper Bluetooth Switch Interface ($100)
RJ Cooper Bluetooth Super Switch ($150)
Blue 2 Bluetooth switch ($150, unique foot pedal design)

 In order to use a switch with the iPad, you must be using an app that has been designed for switch access.  There are many apps, especially those NOT designed for special needs, will NOT work with switches, so keep that in mind.  More and more apps are now being designed, however, with switch access in mind, or plan to add it in at some future point in time.  Most apps that are currently switch accesible are cause and effect games and AAC apps.

Click here for a link to a great blog post and a really, really good list of switch accessible apps.

 RJ Cooper, who manufactures some of the products featured in this post, has included a list of apps that are either switch accessible right now, or looking to add it in the future.  Click here to see his list.

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