Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Boardmaker Share-Find and share Boardmaker activities

I don't think I could find anybody in education that would argue with me that teachers and SLP's have too much free time!  We all would love to do so much more for our students if only we could find the time.  This blog post today is about a great resource to save some of that precious time, called Boardmaker Share. It can be accessed online at www.boardmakershare.com.

Boardmaker Share is an online community where teachers, therapists, and parents share activities they have made using Boardmaker software.  What I love about it is I can search the online library, find something that someone else has already made, and download it for my own use.  What used to take 20-30 minutes to create from scratch can now be found, downloaded, and printed in less than 5!  I can also open up the activities I have downloaded from Boardmaker Share and edit them with my own copy of Boardmaker so it is exactly how I want it.  A colleague and I recently downloaded and edited 8 completely different boards in less than 45 minutes.  I'd hate to think how long that would take if we'd tried to make them all from scratch!

Boardmaker Share is also a great place to look for ideas and inspiration.  I know many teachers really like using Pinterest to find great ideas from others.  Boardmaker Share not only lets you see great ideas, but you can download it and use it as well!  If you are the sharing type, you can also upload and share activities you have made so others may enjoy them as well.

One thing I should note about Boardmaker Share is that you may NOT be able to use all of the activities you find there, depending on what version of Boardmaker software you have.  When you view an activity on Boardmaker Share, it will tell you if that version is compatible with Boardmaker, Boardmaker Plus, Boardmaker Studio, Boardmaker Print Editor, or all of them.  Many interactive activities made with Boardmaker Plus and Studio will not work with good old Boardmaker. 

I hope you will enjoy this great way to share and borrow ideas and boards from other teachers and therapists.  Boardmaker Share is a GREAT way to maximize your time!

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