Monday, September 9, 2013

Highlights from 2012-13 school year

This post is dedicated to the well meaning slacker in all of us.  Deep down inside we all WANT to do it all, but sometimes we just run out of time and energy.  I know that isn't YOU, of course.  But you know somebody like that and sympathize with them occasionally just to keep up appearances :) 

I know that every single one of you has already read and re-read every single post on this blog (along with 50 other educational blogs, Pins, and Tweets), outlined them, translated them into Spanish/Portuguese, and Chinese, and shared them with all of your friends, neighbors, and Congressmen. :)  

But just in case you missed a few things (Don't worry, I won't tell.  Your secret is safe with me), I have posted a few links to Cache AT blog posts you may have missed last school year.   I just thought I'd highlight a couple of my favorites to get you started this year:

Guide Access (how to disable that pesky Home button on the iPad!)

Speak Selection in iOS (make the iPad read to you!)

Uploading Word files to Google Drive

Free Text to Speech Options for your classroom tutorials

Abilipad-My favorite writing app for iPad

Simple 1 page communication boards

Boardmaker Share-find Boardmaker activities online

Literacy Based lesson plan for Life Skills classrooms

Switch Prompting Training Video

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